Avoid soft drinks for balanced thyroid health
Brominated vegetables oil (Bromine)is found in soda & soft drinks. Bromide disturbs hormonal works & disrupts endocrine. Brominated vegetable oil is a halide, a binary compound which disturbs the iodine capture by thyroid gland. Excessive intake orexposure of brominated foods causes all iodine replacement by bromine. Deficiency of iodine causes hypothyroidism with symptoms of fatigue, memory loss, weight gain, swelling, constipation, slow metabolism, irritation, hair thinning, infertility, weakness etc.
Bromine also has other health risks such as stomach cancer, mental health problems, breast cysts, depression etc.
What is brominated vegetable oil (BVO)? It is a plant derived triglyceride that have been reacted to contain atoms of the element bromine bonded to the molecules. Brominated vegetable oil is used primarily to help emulsify citrus-flavored soft drinks, preventing them from separating during distribution.
How to protect from exposure of bromine? What are the sources of bromine?
Avoid many soft drinks & energy drinks which contains brominated vegetable oil such as mountain dew, sundrop, gatorade, soda, citrus drinks, energy drinks etc. Also potassium bromate is used in bakery items such cakes, cookies, bread etc.
Many prescription drugs also contains bromide.
Some other sources of bromine, clothes, carpentering, upholstery, draperies, mattresses etc. contains Flame-Retardant Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE).
Whenever I write something about prevention & causes of diseases, many dumb health experts who are trained only about medication argue with me rather than understanding the facts. The pharma industry never wants to introduce prevention & causes of diseases. So such type of people are honorably requested stay away from my posts & page.
I always strictly follow this Ayurveda concept: स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणं, आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं च।। It means,first the health of the healthy person should be restored by all means, but any how if the individual gets any complications then should be treated.
God bless you