

Sound sleep plays a vital role to heal..

OUR PRIORITY in today’s era is work & work. We don’t want to waste time & so we use sleeping time for work, entertainment, night life & so on.
As per Harvard Medical School, insufficient sleeping causes number of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, heart diseases, depression, anxiety, mental imbalance, prone to cold/cough when exposure to cold virus etc. Also after insufficient sleeping, driving is a grave danger.
Ayurveda emphasizes on sound sleep during night for healthier life, to protect illnesses & healing as well. Great Ayurveda scholars i.e Charaka, Shushuruta, Vagbhatta etc. mentioned and also explained their views on sound sleep in various ancient scripts (shastra). It is an important part of Ayurveda lifestyle whereas sleeping during day time is not advisable & researches on this is still due by modern science.
So everyone sleep well, it doesn’t cost anything. And yes, if you’re suffering from sleeping disorders, don’t confuse your brain/sensors by popping a sleeping pill but find the root cause associated with it & fix it naturally.
Stay Healthy – Stay Safe – Stay Blessed!
Dr. M. A. Chaudhary
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